First Things First

It's so easy to get excited about something when we start think about it; picturing the future outcomes and all; but it becomes so hard to actually slow down one's thought process and develop a step by step analysis of how to achieve that previously pictured dream result. So, at this point I'm extremely excited to start working on something that I visualize as amazing, but do not know when are my brain cells going to activate and give me that creative totally appealing idea that I need for the production of my film opening.
I was so stressed out about finally figuring out the idea for this project that when I started thinking about what exactly was a "fiction film" my mind went blank. My next step, if not obvious, was to research some examples of fiction movies and define the concept of fiction as used in the movie industry:

  • A fiction movie is a film that tells a fictional or fictionalized story, event or narrative. In this style of film, believable narratives and characters help convince the audience that the unfolding fiction is real. Lighting and camera movement, among other cinematic elements, have become increasingly important in these films. Great detail goes into the screenplays of narratives, as these films rarely deviate from the predetermined behaviors and lines of the classical style of screenplay writing to maintain a sense of realism. Actors must deliver dialogue and action in a believable way, so as to persuade the audience that the film is real life.

    1.             2.Image result for fiction films     3.Image result for Jurassic Park
Now that I have received some guidance on what a fiction film traditionally entitles, I feel more prepared to begin the process of developing my project. Keep tuned and don't be doomed!  


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